District Office Lease $2000.00 Office Supplies $140.36 Postage/Mail $197.94 Telephone Services $7.67 Lodging/Parking $468.00 Meals expenses $41.88 Transportation $69.30 Session mileage $101.01 ______________________________ TOTAL $3026.16 Read more
District Office Lease $2000.00 Office Supplies $363.34 Postage/Mail $160.28 District Office utilities $22.35 Cleaning Services $129.90 DO Desk Removal $300.00 Lodging/Parking $234.00 Meals expenses $92.10 Transportation $56.31 ______________________________ Read more
District Office Lease $1600.00 Office Supplies $42.42 Postage/Mail $134.35 District Office utilities $803.04 Cleaning Services $909.30 District Assets $618.84 Moving Services $706.80 Lodging/Parking $234.00 Meals expenses $43.57 Session/Other mileage $648.59 ______________________________ TOTAL $5740.91 Read more
“If we’re going to take accountability seriously, if we're going to take our role as guardians of public trust seriously, then we need to as an institution just embrace this change as a chamber,” Solomon said. “How we decide to govern ourselves reflects the democracy we want to hold out to the rest of the commonwealth.” Read more
Solomon sponsored legislation to change the primary date, stating that he hoped voting earlier in the year would increase Pennsylvania’s level of influence in the national primaries. Read more
In these divided times, it feels increasingly difficult to find common political ground on just about anything. But we – a conservative Republican from Lawrence County and a Democrat from Philadelphia – have come together to support a commonsense proposal whose time has come. It’s time to end closed primaries and bring back independent voters to primary elections. Read more
State Reps. Jared Solomon and Malcolm Kenyatta, both Philadelphia Democrats, called Tuesday for a suite of good government reform measures that included a citizens' redistricting commission; campaign contribution limits; and more transparency on the way House lawmakers spend public money. Read more
State Reps. Jared Solomon and Malcolm Kenyatta, both D-Phila., reaffirmed their commitment to good government and transparency by introducing several bills that would reform redistricting, campaigns and elections, as well as accountability after a candidate is elected. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jared Solomon wants to make sure Pennsylvanians have a convenient, reliable way to evaluate the childcare centers they trust to care for their children. His legislation would update the Keystone STARS program to consider more factors such as work experience when evaluating childcare centers, helping parents to make better informed decisions. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jared Solomon says the key component to citizenship is the right to vote. In Pennsylvania, our citizenship is contingent upon the political party that we choose. By opening our primaries to independent voters we have the opportunity to ensure citizenship and the right to vote is open to all Pennsylvanians. Read more
Solomon presented a citation to WeLoveU, adding his belief that cleaner neighborhoods are safer neighborhoods. Offering thanks to the volunteers were Joe Bell, vice president and market manager of Beasley Media Group, and Alex Post, WeLoveU’s director of global partnerships. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jared Solomon shows his support for legislation that would allow local governments in areas served by public transportation to generate needed revenue to expand and modernize those transit systems. Solomon calls the current regional investment in Southeast Pa. anemic and urges his colleagues to pass this vital legislation now. Read more
Check out Rep. Solomon's new district office at Northeast Services Hub, a one stop shop for all your needs. Read more
Citing a storied history of cooperation, and a shared desire to continue promoting social justice, members of the Pennsylvania State House are forming a Black-Jewish caucus. Read more
State Reps. Jordan Harris and Jared Solomon, both Democrats from Philadelphia, said the new caucus will explore “the historic relationship between the two groups, reignite the current relationship, and work together to promote social justice.“ Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jared Solomon stood with Black and Jewish colleagues in the state Capitol to announce the formation of the new Black-Jewish Caucus. Solomon and Rep. Jordan Harris will co-chair the group to prioritize working together in hopes of build stronger, fairer, and safer communities across the Commonwealth. Read more
Concerns over an increase in hate crimes and bigotry have led to a new caucus in the state house. Two minority groups are once again joining forces to be a positive force for good Read more
Black and Jewish people have come together since the Civil Rights Movement to work together for equity and social justice. We are here to revitalize this relationship to take on the challenges of today. Every legislative victory begins with relationship building and two groups working together to address bigotry will be a great start. Read more
At a Capitol news conference today, state Reps. Jared Solomon and Jordan Harris and other colleagues announced the creation of the Black-Jewish Caucus. The caucus’ goal is to explore the historic relationship between the two groups, reignite the current relationship, and work together to promote social justice. “Black and Jewish people have come together since the Civil Rights movement to work together for equity and social justice,” Solomon said. “We are here to revitalize this relationship to take on the challenges of today. Every legislative victory begins with relationship building and two groups working together to address bigotry will be a great start.” Solomon said they would work with Republican colleagues so this can become a bipartisan effort in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Read more
STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: DEI in the Building and Construction Trades Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Organizations that serve as sponsors or intermediaries of Registered Apprenticeship and/or Pre-Apprenticeship in the building and construction trades. Use : To develop diverse talent pipelines and reach underrepresented populations within the building and construction trades. Funds : $1 million in total program funding. Application Deadline : April 26, 2023 More Information : Click on https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Workforce-Development/grants/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT): Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Program (Funding Source: State, Federal, & Private Funding) Who May Apply : Private companies. Use : To develop innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : April 30, 2023 More Information : Click on https://www.penndot.pa.gov/ProjectAndPrograms/p3forpa/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: Youth Reentry Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Read more
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Hours of Operation - 8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F; 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Sat., and by appointment
7104 Frankford Ave.Philadelphia, PA 19135-1009
P*: (215) 543-6755
323 Main CapitolHarrisburg, PA 17120
P*: (717) 787-4117