Madsen welcomes funding for community projects

HARRISBURG, March 17 – State Rep. Dave Madsen, D-Dauphin, today announced five grants totaling $3.6 million from the Statewide Local Share Account Program have been awarded for projects in his district.

“These grants provide for much-needed improvements to many areas of our community,” Madsen said. “Sound and sustainable investments in our infrastructure ensures a higher quality of life for our residents, now and for decades to come.”

The grants are:

  • Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC - Scottish Rite - $1,000,000. The Scottish Rite Cathedral Masonic Temple has been awarded LSA funds for renovations to its temple, including the replacement of 17 roofs, 66 windows, insulation and PVC membrane roofing, the front and rear entrances with automatic doors and ADA-accessibility.

  • Highspire Borough Authority - Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Project - $1,000,000. Highspire Borough Authority has been awarded LSA funds for the construction, engineering and administrative costs of the wastewater treatment facility, which serves the communities of Highspire Borough and Lower Swatara Township. Once completed, the project will prevent a failure of the biosolids system, as well as provide a long-term solution to processing and disposing of biosolids.

  • Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC - Whitaker Center Critical Indoor Air Quality Improvements $850,000. The Whitaker Center has been awarded LSA funds for upgrades to its HVAC system and electrical control components. The current HVAC system is beyond its operational life expectancy. A new, upgraded HVAC system will provide increased efficiency and improved air quality for the facility.

  • Swatara Township - Law Enforcement and Emergency Operations Center - $600,000. Swatara Township has been awarded LSA funds to construct a law enforcement and emergency operations center which includes demolition, excavation, earth work, stormwater facilities construction, and utilities installation and relocation. Additional work will consist of the construction of the 35,061-square-foot building which will accommodate the EOC and law enforcement facilities. The facility will also include amenities for continued innovation in mental health and child/youth services, victim advocacy and community policing. 

  • Lower Swatara Township - ClearSpan Salt Shed Project - $225,000. Lower Swatara Township has been awarded funds to replace their salt shed unit which was deemed structurally unsound in 2018. Improvements include the purchase of the shed, demolition of the old unit, ground preparation for the new structure and roadway repairs.

More information on the Statewide Local Account Program can be found here.