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Guzman welcomes $19.5 million in RACP grants for six local projects

(Oct 26, 2022)

READING, Oct. 26 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, today announced that six major Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grants totaling $19.5 million were awarded for projects in Berks County. The funds will benefit organizations in the fields of education, health and recreation, among others. The grants include: Albright College, Leo Camp Building Renovation - $3 million. Albright plans to renovate the Camp Building - located on campus and owned by the College - into a state-of-the-art facility optimized for innovation and creativity. Alvernia University College Towne Infrastructure and Renovation III - $7.5 million. Alvernia University is undertaking Reading College Towne, a 2-phase, $40 million-plus expansion project in downtown Reading. The project features the redevelopment of a vacant, 6-floor building to house the university's expanding academic programs and student housing. Phase 2 will include 84,000 square feet of renovation. First Energy Stadium - $2 million. This project will address the construction of the new facility and renovations to existing facilities as the stadium strives to meet the facility standards issued by Major League Baseball. Oakbrook Homes Center for Community Services - $1 million. This project will renovate the former boiler plant to create core, shell and exterior for the new Family Services Complex, as well as renovate an underutilized administration building to create the Neighborhood Read more


Guzman secures $50,000 in state grants to improve the services of Helping Harvest in Berks

(Oct 26, 2022)

READING, Oct. 26 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman D-Berks, today announced that a project that impacts his legislative district will receive a $50,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to help improve the services of Helping Harvest in the county. The grant of $50,000 will allow Helping Harvest to purchase a new transit van to deliver food to the Weekender Program at elementary schools and to pick up donations from retail grocer partners. “I celebrate this investment because it will greatly support the monumental work of Helping Harvest in Berks County. This is a much-need investment. It is my priority to support the ongoing efforts of institutions like Helping Harvest and provide them with the appropriate resources,” Guzman said. Jay Worrall, president of Helping Harvest, emphasized that the organization has been partnering with school districts to expand our Weekender Program, which delivers a bag of food on Fridays to students in the community to supplement the food they get at school during the week. “This year, we will be distributing over 5,000 bags each week, up from 1,300 each week last school year. As you might imagine, getting those bags delivered each week can be very challenging, so this funding will be used immediately to purchase a van that our volunteers will use to bring bags to schools. Thank you so much!” Worrall said. Read more


Guzman brings home $100,000 to improve neighborhood playground

(Oct 26, 2022)

READING, Oct. 26 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, today announced that his district has been awarded $100,000 in state funding to benefit the local baseball field in the Borough of Kenhorst. The $100,000 in funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to the Borough of Kenhorst was distributed as follows: For the addition of four pickleball courts, much-needed improvements to the baseball field, including dugouts and stands, and adding more playground equipment. “This is a major investment,” Guzman said. “I’m proud to bring these grants to Berks County to boost this recreational area. These renovations will offer joy and will help engage the community even more. I’m determined to improve the quality of life of my constituents. I will keep working to bring resources and funds to our community.” Read more


¡Visite nuestra oficina!

(Oct 21, 2022)

Una gratificante visita a Hogar Crea Hoy tuve el placer de visitar el Hogar Crea, una fuerza poderosa en la lucha contra el abuso de alcohol y sustancias. Esta organización proporciona servicios de prevención y tratamiento, pero también ofrece esperanza a todos los afectados. Valoro mucho los esfuerzos y el impactante rol de esta institución en la comunidad. Solicita el alivio de la deuda de préstamos federales El alivio de la deuda de los préstamos federales para estudiantes es un programa que proporciona a los prestatarios que reúnen los requisitos de participación una condonación total o parcial de los préstamos de hasta $20,000 a los beneficiarios de la Beca Federal Pell y hasta $10,000 a los no beneficiarios de la Beca Pell. Completar esta aplicacion toma menos de cinco minutos y esta disponible en inglés y en español. Además, es possible acceder a este formulario desde tu teléfono celular o desde tu computador y no necesitas descargar ningún documento. Puedes encontrar más información sobre este programa aquí. Aprenda sobre programas de energía para familias con bajos ingresos Durante mi más reciente Town Hall estuve conversando acerca de la temporada invernal que se aproxima y de los programas de calefacción disponibles. Visita mi página y aprende sobre el Read more


Visite mi oficina, nos encantaría ayudarle

(Oct 13, 2022)

Conozca los programas de energía en mi próximo Ayuntamiento Se acerca la temporada de invierno y con la temporada no podemos evitar temer mayores costos de calefacción. Quiero ayudarte a prepararte para abrazar la estación y mantenerte abrigado. Acompañame en mi próximo Ayuntamiento virtual, el jueves 20 de octubre a las 7 p.m. en Facebook en vivo. Aprenderá sobre el Programa de Asistencia de Energía para Hogares de Bajos Ingresos (LIHEAP) y Operation Stay Warm y muchos otros programas y servicios relacionados con el gobierno estatal. Contento de traer más recursos a la comunidad Estoy inmensamente agradecido por el apoyo que mi equipo y yo recibimos el miércoles pasado cuando tuve el placer de organizar una feria de trabajo en mi distrito. Una de mis principales prioridades es brindar más oportunidades laborales a los residentes de Reading. Todavía me emociona recordar que pudimos colaborar con cerca de 100 empresas para esta actividad. Estoy seguro de que la feria marcó una gran diferencia para las personas que están desempleadas o subempleadas y necesitan mantener a sus familias. Me place siempre traer recursos a la comunidad. Prepárate para las Elecciones Generales Regístrese para votar antes del 24 de octubre para las elecciones generales de 2022. Puede encontrar más Read more


Berks Latino leaders earn statewide recognition

(Oct 01, 2022)

Rep. Guzman was among the honorees. Read more


Early Beginnings in Reading celebrates achieving Keystone STAR 4 status

(Sep 30, 2022)

The event was attended by State Representative Manny Guzman, who provided a Commendation from the PA House of Representatives. Read more


Burgos and Guzman call on President Biden to waive a federal law to allow essential fuel shipments to Puerto Rico

(Sep 29, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 29 – State Reps. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila, and Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, today sent a letter to President Joe Biden requesting to waive the maritime shipment restrictions stated in the Jones Act to help restore power in Puerto Rico. In the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona, the island is struggling to get the necessary loads of fuel to move forward. The Jones Act requires that ships transporting goods between United States ports be made in America and owned by American companies. The lawmakers, who lead the Pennsylvania Latino Caucus, emphasized that this Act, also known as Merchant Marine Act of 1920, is narrowing the survival chances of victims of Fiona. “The Jones Act is one of the core factors limiting the recovery of the island against the backdrop of Hurricane Fiona. A clock is ticking for all the people impacted by this natural disaster,” Burgos said. “We urge President Biden to ease the burden for Puerto Ricans, regardless of political or statehood status, and manage this situation with the same urgency that would involve any of the 50 states in the country. This is a matter of survival and empathy.” Guzman explained that the island-wide power outrage has left an estimated 320,232 homes and business without power, relying on generators on a daily basis, which has worsened the living conditions of residents of the Caribbean Island. “As of today, according to LUMA Energy which operates Puerto Rico’s Read more


Burgos and Guzman: Joint letter to President Biden calling for immediate action to rescue Puerto Rico

(Sep 29, 2022)

Thanks to your immediate federal response and subsequent aids of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security, Puerto Rico has been able to get on the path to recovery from the disastrous impact of Hurricane Fiona. However, much more needs to be done. Read more


Guzman and Burgos join efforts to aid people affected by Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic

(Sep 19, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 19 – State Reps. Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, and Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., today announced they are joining forces to help people affected by severe flooding and damages caused by Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. The lawmakers, who lead the Pennsylvania Latino Caucus, thanked Governor Tom Wolf for deploying two members of PA Task Force 1 to Puerto Rico to support Hurricane Fiona response. They also urge Wolf to use the full force of his power to help the islands of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. “The flooding has already impacted the water system and many families are now homeless. Puerto Rico is still suffering from the lingering effects of Hurricane Maria and currently experiencing an island-wide black out,” Guzman said. Guzman and Burgos call on Gov. Wolf to use PEMA to immediately offer humanitarian assistance to these islands. Pennsylvania has the fourth largest population of Puerto Ricans outside the island. “A lot of people are suffering the effects of Hurricane Fiona. As a legislator I feel compelled to work diligently to provide resources and the necessary help to people impacted by this natural catastrophe. To help them is also to help the people that I represent in my district because they are concerned about the well-being of their relatives back home in the islands,” Guzman said. Burgos emphasized that it is crucial to receive the support of PEMA because it would Read more


Guzman kicks off celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month

(Sep 16, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman and others in the PA House Democratic Caucus celebrate the growing Hispanic community throughout the commonwealth, but also reminds that there is more to go and more to do. Read more


Fixing one problem with Pa.’s elections could bolster public confidence, Democrats say

(Sep 15, 2022)

“We can continue to, you know, blame incompetence at the top … or we can get to work to do the people’s work that we’re all elected here to do. I know all Democrats are ready to get to work. And we’re asking our Republican colleagues to join us in that effort,” Guzman said. Read more


Rep. Guzman: Election issues silencing Latinos in Berks

(Sep 15, 2022)

Guzman said the push follows years of election issues surrounding the Latino/Spanish community in Berks. Read more


Guzman: Voting Dysfunction Leads to Disenfranchisement

(Sep 15, 2022)

Guzman says dysfunction leads to disenfranchisement and is calling for measures to better streamline our election process across the Commonwealth. Read more


GRANT MEMO: Youth Agriculture, Urban Agriculture, and Watershed Cooperative Funding Opportunities

(Aug 30, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : An individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation, cooperatives or any other legal entity. Use : To support projects that grow agricultural infrastructure in urban food deserts to improve access to fresh, local food and provide opportunities for hands-on learning, community-building, and for people to become social entrepreneurs. Community gardens are eligible projects. Funds : $2,500 micro grants or up to $50,000 for collaboration grants. Application Deadline : September 16, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Very Small Meat and Poultry Processor Reimbursement Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : An individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation or any other legal entity. Use : To support the development and expansion of current or future very small meat and poultry processing operations. Funds : Grants are limited to no more than $100,000 per applicant. Application Deadline : September 26, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Agriculture and Youth Grant Program Read more


Summer 2022 Newsletter!

(Aug 29, 2022)

I am making sure that the voices of my constituents are heard. Read more


Guzman hosts Policy Committee for tour of Reading businesses

(Aug 17, 2022)

The House Democratic Policy Committee took a tour of three downtown Reading businesses and held a roundtable with business leaders, local colleges, and the District Attorney John Adams Wednesday morning, hosted by state Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks. Read more


Guzman demands accountability from Berks County Commissioners in light of recent report describing ‘chaos’ during primary election

(Aug 05, 2022)

READING, Aug. 5 — State Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks, today issued the following statement in response to the surge of problems linked to the elections process in Berks County. “The people of Berks County deserve better. From the failures hitting people of color the hardest before the election, to the refusal to obey state law and count legal ballots, to the curious resignation of the person who was in charge for those debacles, it’s clear we have to refocus on what matters: restoring the people’s faith in their democracy,” Guzman said. The lawmaker said he plans to call for public hearings and investigate ways to guarantee an open and truthful process before November’s general election. “I plan on calling for open public hearings to find out how these mistakes happened and, more importantly, how we can make sure the people are never denied their voice again for any reason,” he said, added: “I want to thank the Reading Eagle for this vital journalism and always holding government at every level accountable, especially when our sacred constitutional rights are at stake.” Guzman, who has been on the front lines of election’s issues, also warned the community of irregularities with voting machines during the past primary election. Read more


Guzman urges authorities to put a halt to gun violence in Reading

(Aug 01, 2022)

READING, Aug. 1 – State Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks, today released the following statement in the wake of two homicides that took place early Sunday and within an hour of each other in the city of Reading. “We need to put a halt to gun violence; I urge the residents to cooperate with local authorities,” Guzman said. “I am profoundly saddened by these tragic events. Enough is enough. We cannot acknowledge violence as part of our daily routine, as part of our lives, we must keep fighting to curb this spate of horror. “As a concerned resident and elected official, I’m working to secure more effective actions. I believe that gun violence is preventable. I’m proactively collaborating with Berks County DA John Adams and state Attorney General Josh Shapiro and I will not stop until we reach bolder actions on gun control. I will not cease until we bring peace of mind to our community.” The Reading Police Department is investigating the deadly shooting. The officers found the first victim on Spring Garden Street and a second one on Church Street. Read more


Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities

(Jul 21, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Pregnancy Support Services Grant (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Any entity that is able to serve pregnant or postpartum women in recovery from SUD. Use : To provide support services to pregnant women and postpartum women in recovery from Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Funds: Awards up to $600,000. Application Deadline : July 29, 2022. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : School districts, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and businesses in Pennsylvania. Use : To assist in a transition to cleaner fuel transportation. Funds : Up to $300,000 per applicant. Application Deadline : There are two application periods. The program will collect and review all applications submitted by August 26, 2022, and again by December 16, 2022. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Statewide Victim Witness Training Project 2023 Read more


Guzman welcomes $19.5 million in RACP grants for six local projects
Oct 26, 2022

Guzman secures $50,000 in state grants to improve the services of Helping Harvest in Berks
Oct 26, 2022

Guzman brings home $100,000 to improve neighborhood playground
Oct 26, 2022

¡Visite nuestra oficina!
Oct 21, 2022

Visite mi oficina, nos encantaría ayudarle
Oct 13, 2022

Berks Latino leaders earn statewide recognition
Oct 01, 2022

Early Beginnings in Reading celebrates achieving Keystone STAR 4 status
Sep 30, 2022

Burgos and Guzman call on President Biden to waive a federal law to allow essential fuel shipments to Puerto Rico
Sep 29, 2022

Burgos and Guzman: Joint letter to President Biden calling for immediate action to rescue Puerto Rico
Sep 29, 2022

Guzman and Burgos join efforts to aid people affected by Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic
Sep 19, 2022

Guzman kicks off celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month
Sep 16, 2022

Fixing one problem with Pa.’s elections could bolster public confidence, Democrats say
Sep 15, 2022

Rep. Guzman: Election issues silencing Latinos in Berks
Sep 15, 2022

Guzman: Voting Dysfunction Leads to Disenfranchisement
Sep 15, 2022

GRANT MEMO: Youth Agriculture, Urban Agriculture, and Watershed Cooperative Funding Opportunities
Aug 30, 2022

Summer 2022 Newsletter!
Aug 29, 2022

Guzman hosts Policy Committee for tour of Reading businesses
Aug 17, 2022

Guzman demands accountability from Berks County Commissioners in light of recent report describing ‘chaos’ during primary election
Aug 05, 2022

Guzman urges authorities to put a halt to gun violence in Reading
Aug 01, 2022

Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities
Jul 21, 2022