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House committee will consider legislative package to amend Act 12 requirements for sale of water & wastewater systems

(Dec 07, 2023)

Members of the House Democratic Caucus will hear testimony about their bill package to reform Act 12 of 2016 at a public hearing of the House Consumer Protection, Technology & Utilities Committee at 10 a.m. on Dec. 12 in the state Capitol building. Read more


What happened in Harrisburg last week

(Dec 01, 2023)

This week, I’m writing with legislative updates from our last session week. We passed some highly impactful bills which I was proud to co-sponsor. Read more


Fiedler, Hanbidge celebrate signing of Pelvic Exam Consent bill

(Nov 27, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 27 – Today, state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler , D-Phila., and Liz Hanbidge , D-Montgomery, joined Gov. Josh Shapiro for the ceremonial signing of H.B. 507 , which requires medical facilities in Pennsylvania to obtain consent before performing pelvic, prostate or rectal exams on anesthetized patients. The bill was officially signed into law on Nov. 21 by Shapiro as Act 31 of 2023. "Patients in Pennsylvania will finally have the right to make decisions about exams performed on their bodies while under anesthesia. This legislation ensures informed consent for invasive pelvic and rectal exams, at last giving patients the decision-making power that we all deserve about our own bodies,” Fiedler said. “I’m grateful to my colleague, Representative Hanbidge, for her work on this bill, and I thank Governor Shapiro for signing it into law.” “Performing a pelvic, rectal or prostate exam unknowingly on an anesthetized patient isn’t only invasive, but it’s also a breach of trust. Our legislation abolishes this archaic practice, thereby strengthening the trust that Pennsylvanians have in medical professionals, protecting bodily autonomy and highlighting the importance of consent,” Hanbidge said. “Patients expecting to go under anesthesia should never have to worry about being objectified for ‘learning purposes,’ and now thanks to my co-sponsor Representative Fiedler, Read more


Thankful to represent the 61st Legislative District

(Nov 22, 2023)

I would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving! Next week, December will be here. Read more


No pelvic exams without consent legislation headed to the governor

(Nov 17, 2023)

I am also pleased to share that state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler’s and my H.B. 507, that would prohibit physicians and medical students from conducting pelvic, prostate or rectal exams on unconscious patients for training purposes in the absence of an emergency, passed the state Senate unanimously. Read more


Fiedler, Hanbidge pelvic exam bill headed to governor’s desk

(Nov 15, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 15 – The PA House today passed legislation (H.B. 507) that requires medical facilities in Pennsylvania to obtain consent before performing pelvic, prostate or rectal exams on anesthetized patients. The legislation, introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, now goes to Gov. Josh Shapiro for his signature. In Pennsylvania, medical students are currently permitted to perform these invasive exams on unconscious patients for training purposes. The legislators said this unethical practice undermines patient-doctor relationships, which require a foundation of trust, respect and transparency. “This year, we’ve seen millions of women and people across the country stand up for reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy,” said Fiedler. “It’s never been more important to empower patients to make decisions about their own bodies and lives. I am elated to see this bill pass, and I look forward to Governor Shapiro signing it into law.” “When patients arrive at the hospital for surgeries or treatments that require anesthesia, they are understandably worried or anxious about the outcome of their procedure, rarely thinking that an unrelated internal and intimate exam by a medical student might be part of the process,” Hanbidge said. “House Bill 507 puts the power back in the hands of the patient, giving them the final say in the care Read more


Combatting hate crimes in our commonwealth

(Nov 11, 2023)

No one should be the victim of racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, gender inequality, discrimination or hate in our commonwealth. Last week, the House took affirmative steps to combat the impact of hate crimes in our commonwealth, passing three bills to stop hate crimes in Pennsylvania. Read more


Progress on my No Pelvic Exams Without Consent Bill

(Oct 27, 2023)

I am pleased to report that Rep. Liz Fiedler’s and my legislation (H.B. 507) was included in one of the first sets of House bills to be voted on by the Senate. Read more


Exploring hardships large animal veterinarians face

(Oct 20, 2023)

There is a crisis level shortage of large animal veterinarians in America. Read more


Progress made on completing the state budget

(Oct 13, 2023)

As I mentioned in my last email, voting and session last week was hectic and we passed a significant amount of legislation, including the code bills which allow for the funds appropriated through the general appropriations bill to be spent. Read more


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

(Oct 06, 2023)

Domestic violence doesn’t happen in a silo, it intersects with a lot of other issues we see in the House. Read more


Hanbidge, Cerrato bill to protect freedom of speech passes the House unanimously

(Oct 05, 2023)

“It’s unfortunately all too easy in Pennsylvania to initiate a meritless lawsuit solely with the intention of shutting down debates on public issues,” Hanbidge said. Read more


Working together to stop suicide

(Sep 29, 2023)

As September comes to an end, I wanted to discuss suicide prevention. Read more


PA creates better access to the ballot

(Sep 22, 2023)

This week, we recognized National Voter Registration Day! While America has seen huge recent increases in voter turnout, we still lag behind other developed nations in voter participation. The Census Bureau estimates that in 2020, 168.3 million people were registered to vote, which is only 72.7% of voting age citizens. Read more


How invasive species affect our health, environment, economy

(Sep 15, 2023)

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service estimates that we spend more than $120 billion nationwide controlling invasive species each year. Read more


Work still to be done on the state budget

(Sep 08, 2023)

As promised, here’s an update on the budget process. As you know, the Senate came back early to allow the finalized budget to be sent to the Governor. Read more


The cost of climate change in Montgomery County

(Sep 01, 2023)

One of the benefits of summer recess is that it gives me more time to meet with people and groups about policy issues and things that are often further on the horizon than the immediacy of many budget-related issues. Read more


Electronics Recycling Event

(Aug 28, 2023)

Electronics recycling event hosted in partnership with Reps. Ben Sanchez and Melissa Cerrato. Read more


Updating the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

(Aug 25, 2023)

Earlier this month, Governor Shapiro signed into law Act 7 of 2023. Formerly known as H.B. 1100, Act 7 is an expansion of the Property Tax and Rent Rebate (PTRR) Program for seniors 65 and over and those who are 50 and older and have been widowed or who have a disability. Read more


Resources and materials from last weekend’s IEP Roundtable

(Aug 18, 2023)

This past weekend Representative Melissa Cerrato and I hosted an informational panel to help families navigating the world of special education. Read more