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Rep. Tim Briggs' Biography

Representative Tim Briggs was first elected in 2008 to serve as state representative for the 149th Legislative District, which consists of Upper Merion Township, Bridgeport and West Conshohocken boroughs, and parts of Lower Merion and West Norriton townships. A native of Montgomery County, Briggs currently resides in King of Prussia with his wife, Robyn, and their four children, Emily, Jack, Alexandra and Morrison.

During his time in the House, Briggs has been a strong progressive voice, fighting to create an economy that works for everyone.

He has been recognized as Public Official of the Year by the King of Prussia Business District, and he serves as the vice chairman of the Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board, recognizing the economic importance of the hospitality industry on the region’s economy. As chair of the House Life Sciences Caucus, he works to support the life science and biotechnology industries that play a critical role in both the local and state economies, and his efforts have twice earned him recognition as State Official of the Year from Life Sciences Pennsylvania.

Briggs has been a strong advocate for children, consistently supporting public education and early childhood education, and he has introduced legislation focused on improving the lives of children and strengthening Pennsylvania for the future. As a freshman lawmaker, he was able to get a law enacted that helps keep siblings in foster care together when they are placed into foster homes.

Briggs was also successful in authoring legislation that has addressed the dangers student athletes face from concussions, improved gender equity in school sports and required suicide awareness and education training for our educators. He has also introduced bills to implement anti-bullying policies in our public schools, protect children from accessing firearms, and increase transparency of campaign finances.

He is the House Democratic appointee to the Board of Governors to the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Board, where he is committed to working to make higher education affordable, as well as working in a bipartisan manner on reforms and investments to keep the system sustainable. In 2021, he was also appointed to serve on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, where he is proud to work on programs and initiatives to help make communities around the commonwealth safer. 

Briggs serves as the Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He previously served as chairman of the House Health Committee, the vice-chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and as a member of the Transportation, Professional Licensure, Tourism and Recreational Development, Finance, Environmental Resources and Energy, Local Government, State Government and Children and Youth committees. He also served as the Democratic chairman for the subcommittee on courts as well as the family law subcommittee within the Judiciary Committee, the Democratic chairman of the transportation safety subcommittee within the Transportation Committee, and the Democratic chairman of the 2012 Task Force on Property Tax Reform. In addition, Briggs serves as co-chair of the Arts & Culture Caucus and the Brain Injury Caucus.

He was a proud member of the Green Dog Caucus, a strong coalition of environmentally conscientious legislators in the House, and a founding member of the House Climate Caucus and he has previously been ranked the top environmental legislator in Pennsylvania by the Sierra Club’s Pennsylvania Chapter. He has taken the lead on addressing our throwaway society and recycling habits through the Zero Waste PA package of legislation.

Briggs has always been committed to serving his community. He has served as a volunteer firefighter at Jefferson Fire Company in West Norriton Township and served on the board of directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Montgomery County. Before serving in the House, he was an advisor to then-Congressman Joe Hoeffel and state Senator Connie Williams and was the political director of the Bonner Group, a national progressive non-profit and Democratic political fundraising firm. He has practiced law in Montgomery County law firms since 2005 and currently is of counsel at Kilkenny Law, LLC.

Briggs holds a political science degree from West Chester University and a law degree from Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. He has received honors from the following groups:

King of Prussia Business Improvement District
Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Authority
Montgomery County Community College, Alumni Hall of Fame
Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania, Freedom Keeper Award, 2012
Public Citizens for Children and Youth
Pennsylvania BIO, State Official of the Year, 2015
Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Public Official of the Year, 2012
Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance – Legislator of the Year 2015