It’s not enough just to recover from the pandemic. We must think about smarter, innovative ways to make the commonwealth more competitive to attract business and more supportive to retain workers. To build a better, stronger path for our economy, we need a plan to help all Pennsylvanians, their families, and employers.

Pennsylvania is already situated for success in many sectors, but we can make it easier to do business in our state through strategic investments in our workforce and a focus on creating and retaining high-quality, well-paying jobs. Propel PA makes common sense improvements to Pennsylvania’s economic policies and creates more incentives to attract businesses and workers. Building upon our commitment to investing in public education, Propel PA includes key economic initiatives like infrastructure investments, corporate tax reform, community revitalization, scientific innovation, and more.

Pennsylvania can and should be a place where employers want to come and set up shop and where workers feel valued and want to live. Propel PA is a blueprint to get it done.