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Takac highlights need for jobs, economic development in rural PA

(Aug 27, 2024)

“The lack of good-paying jobs and opportunities is leading to a falling population, as young people move away, with a corresponding decrease in local small businesses and services such as grocery stores, banks and even health care,” said Rep. Paul Takac, who hosted the House Majority Policy Committee tour and roundtable discussion. Read more


Burns highlights need for Harrisburg to cut red tape for municipalities

(Aug 26, 2024)

“The officials we heard from today do not have dedicated attorneys or grant writers sitting on their boards,” said Rep. Frank Burns, who represents portions of Cambria County. “State grant money is a lifeline for many of these communities, it can help provide the money they need to upgrade water lines or purchase the equipment first responders need. But we know there are headaches, and we want to be able to cut the red tape for these smaller municipalities.” Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Aug 26, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Endowment Act – Treatment and Training Who May Apply: Eligibility of these funds is open to any for-profit entity, non-profit entity, an entity affiliated with a CAC or MDIT (e.g., public agency or hospital), or unit of local government. Schools (including colleges and universities) are considered governmental units and are eligible to apply. Use: To support the training of medical and mental healthcare providers who treat children and adult survivors of child sexual abuse. Funds: A total of $200,000 in Endowment Act funding is being announced to support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund approximately four projects with budgets not to exceed $50,000 over the 2-year project period. Application Deadline: October 4, 2024 More information: PCCD Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grant Who May Apply: Farmers, prospective farmers, and others may apply. Use: Strategic business planning to expand or diversify farms or support transition of ownership. Funds: $500,000 in funding is available. Grants shall not exceed $7,500. Application Deadline: Applications will be received until funds are exhausted. More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Recruitment Incentives for Law Enforcement Who May Apply: Local law enforcement agencies, campus or university police, railroad or street Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to modernize PUC ratemaking process

(Aug 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 22 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, introduced two bills earlier this summer to make it easier for residents to remain informed and participate in Pennsylvania Utility Commission rate cases: H.B. 2495 which would allow ratepayers to submit public comments to the PUC online, and H.B. 2496 which would require the outside of envelopes to indicate if they contain a notice of a proposed rate change. “Utility services such as water, wastewater and electricity are essential to modern daily life,” Ciresi said. “As our residents’ health and well-being are dependent on these services being safe, reliable and affordable, they need to be able to easily communicate to the PUC their concerns about utility rate changes and acquisitions which will have a direct and substantial impact on their quality of life.” Utilities are currently required to send ratepayers notice of proposed rate changes and include instructions on how to submit public comments by mail. According to Ciresi, the current notification system is neither efficient nor effective as notices can get lost in the volume of other notices sent by utilities and other companies. “We’re in the 21st century, and we are still expecting the public to send comments through the mail,” Ciresi said. “My legislation would modernize the PUC ratemaking process, making it more accessible to the public. These bills would call additional attention to Read more


Burns unveils Welfare-to-Work legislative proposal

(Aug 21, 2024)

Knowing the majority of his constituents share his belief that the able-bodied should be working, Burns, D-Cambria, wants to gradually wean them off public welfare over 12 months, working with the private sector to phase out government assistance as a 40-hour work week is phased in. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Aug 20, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County: Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund Who May Apply: Municipalities, authorities, councils of government, non-profits and for-profit businesses in Allegheny County. Use: Economic development projects, infrastructure development projects, job training, community improvement projects, public safety projects, and public interest projects. Funds: Project budgets must be between $150,000 and $500,000. Application Deadline: August 30, 2024 More information: RAAC Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: 2024-25 Advanced Law Enforcement Training Initiative Who May Apply: Eligibility for these funds is open to non-profit organizations with experience in facilitating and hosting in-person law enforcement trainings in Pennsylvania. Use: To support advanced comprehensive evidence-based training courses for law enforcement. Funds: A total of $80,000 in Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds is being announced to support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund one grant with a budget not to exceed $80,000 over the one-year project period. Application Deadline: August 29, 2024 More information: PCCD Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Project Safe and Smart 2025 Who May Apply: Community-based organizations that can successfully demonstrate their reach and partnership with K-12 school entities. Preference will be given to applicants that demonstrate that they Read more


Solomon proposes legislation to reduce noise, exhaust pollution in neighborhoods

(Aug 16, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 16 – State Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., said today that he will soon introduce legislation that would ban the sale of muffler and exhaust pipe modifiers for vehicles, ATVs and motorcycles manufactured after 1978. Solomon said the legislation also would provide state agencies with clear guidance on excessive noise and exhaust pollution and help reduce its impact on communities and residents. The measure would also help local police enforce ordinances, he said. “People should be able to enjoy their homes by sitting outside during the evening or on a weekend,” Solomon said. “You cannot relax in your home or get the rest you need when the soundtrack of your neighborhood consists of drag racing through residential streets. “The noise and exhaust pollution caused by loud dirt bikes, cars and ATVs is increasingly becoming a nuisance in many communities,” he said. “People and pets can’t get their sleep, property values are impacted, and the costs of enforcement are rising for police departments and taxpayers.” Solomon said his legislation, which he dubbed the Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution – or SLEEP – Act, would require PennDOT to act against official inspection stations with multiple violations and proposes penalties of up to $1,000 and/or 30 days in prison for those violations. Read more


Takac, Redding highlight $10 million agricultural innovation measure

(Aug 15, 2024)

The program will help boost Pennsylvania's agriculture sector, the commonwealth’s leading industry and a key pillar of Shapiro's economic development plan. Read more


McClinton, Policy Committee emphasize need for workplace safety

(Aug 14, 2024)

“Everyone deserves to be safe at work – that means free from physical harm as well as mental or psychological abuse,” said McClinton, who represents portions of Delaware County and Philadelphia. “While there are laws on the books to protect workers from environmental hazards, we need to do more to protect people from workplace psychological hazards like bullying and oppressive treatment that create toxic work environments and cause undue stress and anxiety for workers.” Read more


Central PA Delegation chairman expresses appreciation for Rep. Michael Sturla’s service and commitment to all Pennsylvanians

(Aug 14, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 14 – Following the announcement that state Rep. Michael Sturla, D-Lancaster, that he will leave the PA House of Representatives once the current legislative session ends, PA House Central Pennsylvania Delegation Chairman Manuel Guzman Jr. released this statement expressing his appreciation of the legacy that Sturla will leave in the General Assembly once he finishes the remainder of his term this year. “For more than three decades, Mike Sturla has championed the most critical issues not only for the legislative district that he represents, but for the entire state. Mike leaves a footprint of lasting impact on our state. “Our delegation proudly supported and praised his wisdom, leadership and commitment to the process that led to the passage of a bill that will bring adequacy, equity and stability to Pennsylvania’s education funding system and secured a $1.1 billion increase for K-12 education. “He successfully served as chair of the Basic Education Funding Commission, a bipartisan group tasked with developing and recommending a new formula for distributing state funds for education to Pennsylvania school districts after the Commonwealth Court ruled that the current education funding system did not meet constitutional requirements. “He also has stood up fiercely against housing insecurity and homelessness in his role as chair of Housing and Community Read more


Bipartisan legislators hail new pharmacy law in Schuylkill County

(Aug 13, 2024)

Lawmakers tout pharmaceutical industry reform to help patients, local pharmacies Read more


Improving health care includes expanding abortion access

(Aug 13, 2024)

“A right to have an abortion, but no access to an abortion is no right at all,” said Rep. Heather Boyd, who represents portions of Delaware County and hosted the hearing. “Reproductive health care and abortion access needs to be protected in Pennsylvania. We know reproductive health care saves the lives of patients in the 21st century, and the last thing a patient needs is a lawmaker determining what health care is appropriate for others – especially absolute strangers.” Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Aug 13, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: School Safety and Mental Health Grants Who May Apply: Eligible school entities as defined under 24 P.S. §13-1314.1-B of the PA Public School Code. Use: Funding may be used to assist schools with physical safety and/or behavioral health needs. Funds: $100 million is available to be distributed via a formula that stipulates school districts are to receive $100,000 base average and an additional amount based on their 22/23 Adjusted Average Daily Membership. Other eligible school entities are to receive $70,000. Application Deadline: September 26, 2024 More information: PCCD Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools Who May Apply: Nonpublic schools as defined under Section 924.3-A of the PA Public School Code, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, or approved vendors. Use: Funding may be used to assist schools with physical safety and/or behavioral health needs. Funds: A total of $19,665,000 in state school safety and security funds is being announced to support this initiative. Application Deadline: September 26, 2024 More information: PCCD Website PennDOT: Rail Freight Assistance Program/Rail Transportation Assistance Program Who May Apply: Railroad company, transportation organization, municipality, municipal authority, user Read more


Testifiers detail negative health, economic impacts of gun violence in PA

(Aug 12, 2024)

Gun violence intervention took center stage at Monday’s House Majority Policy Committee hearing as members gathered testimony to understand what more can be done to reduce gun violence in Pennsylvania. Read more


Smith-Wade-El: Over $31,000 in state funding to provide fresh fruit and vegetables at Carter & Macrae Elementary

(Aug 12, 2024)

LANCASTER, Aug. 12 – State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, announced that $31,020 in state funding has been awarded to Carter & Macrae Elementary School to provide fruits and vegetables to students under the federal Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Through the program, Carter & Macrae Elementary School will receive reimbursement for the cost of making free fresh fruits and vegetables available to students during the school day. These fresh fruits and vegetables must be provided separately from the lunch or breakfast meal in one or more areas of the school during the school day. “For low-income, historically marginalized communities in our area and throughout Pennsylvania, there is a striking lack of access to affordable, healthy fresh food,” Smith-Wade-El said. “As I strive to ensure that all Pennsylvanians can put nutritious food on their tables, I am very glad that thanks to this grant, students at Carter & Macrae will be able to snack on delicious, fresh fruits and vegetables that will provide them with the critical nutrients they need to learn and grow.” The goal of FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce. Additionally, the program promotes nutrition education, resulting in healthier school environments for learners. To be eligible, schools must participate in the Read more


Lawmakers, family detail $354M in new funding for intellectual disability/autism

(Aug 09, 2024)

Historic increase in funding delivers on promises to reduce waiting lists, help raise wages for caregivers Read more


Rabb introduces first of its kind legislation to combat corporate ‘greenwashing’

(Aug 01, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 1 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., has introduced legislation, H.B. 2525 , which would prohibit corporations from using deceitful and manipulative practices known as “greenwashing” in Pennsylvania. “For decades now, corporations have taken advantage of environmentally conscious consumers by intentionally marketing their products in a manner that makes them appear better for the planet than they really are. This devious and manipulative practice is known as ‘greenwashing.’ You often see it when companies use terms such as ‘net zero,’ ‘low carbon’ or ‘cleaner energy,’ even if those claims are not based in reality or are aspirational at best,” Rabb said . “As we increasingly experience the drastic effects of the climate crisis, such as more intense storms, floods, droughts and wildfires, the last thing Pennsylvania consumers need is to be lied to as they try to make informed purchasing decisions.” This legislation would ensure that there is truth in marketing by amending the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law to explicitly prohibit deceptive environmental marketing claims. "Corporations should not be allowed to lie to consumers and pretend that dirty and polluting products are healthy or sustainable, but the reality is these deceptive greenwashing practices are rampant across many industries, from Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus issues statement on Sunday’s Venezuelan elections

(Jul 31, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 31 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus today issued the following statement regarding the presidential election in Venezuela: “On Sunday, millions of Venezuelans went to the polls in a historic presidential election. The election presented an opportunity for Venezuelan voters to express their aspirations for a more democratic, prosperous, and stable country. We commend their courage and commitment to democratic principles. “The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus expresses concern that the partial results released by Venezuelan electoral authorities do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people and we call for the release of full, detailed results for transparency. We commend the Organization of American States for not recognizing the results and urge the U.S. State Department and the international community to support efforts to ensure free and fair elections in Venezuela. “From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus stands with the Venezuelan community in our commonwealth and abroad in their struggle for self-determination through the democratic process.” Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus Chair Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., further explained his concerns. “I am deeply troubled by the irregularities during Sunday’s election in Venezuela. Reports of suppression and lack of transparency in the vote Read more


Kinkead highlights community work at formerly closed hospital

(Jul 31, 2024)

“I wanted to bring lawmakers to my district to highlight the incredible and transformative work being done at what was formerly a closed hospital,” said Rep. Kinkead, who hosted the hearing and represents portions of Allegheny County. “Communities aren’t dealing with one challenge, but a multitude of issues, and AHN Suburban illustrates why it’s important not to silo these issues but address all of the numerous inner-related issues.” Read more


Abney, PLBC hear Allegheny County Jail officials over voting access

(Jul 31, 2024)

State Rep. Aerion Abney, D-Allegheny, addresses access to voting during a hearing in Pittsburgh on July 30. HARRISBURG, July 31 – Led by state Reps. Aerion Abney, Napoleon Nelson, Rick Krajewski, Anthony Bellmon and Greg Scott, the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus on Tuesday heard from Allegheny County officials over incarcerated peoples’ right to vote from jail. The caucus held a news conference in Pittsburgh during their Lunch and Learn Event with guests, including Allegheny County Jail Assistant Deputy Warden Connie Clark, County Elections Manager David Voye, Lorraine Cross of the Black Political Empowerment Project, Amy Kleissas from the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh, Destiny of Faith Church Rev. Brenda Gregg, and Teresa Minor Spencer of West End Power. "Even behind bars, the right to vote is a beacon of hope, reminding us that every voice matters, and that redemption and civic duty are intertwined," said Abney, D-Allegheny. “Voting from jail underscores the principle that rehabilitation includes reintegration into society, fostering a sense of responsibility and participation in democratic processes.” Discussion centered on allowing incarcerated individuals to vote and how that emphasizes the idea that justice and democracy are inclusive. "The vote is the great equalizer; it bridges the gap between those inside and outside prison walls, ensuring that all citizens Read more


Takac highlights need for jobs, economic development in rural PA
Aug 27, 2024

Burns highlights need for Harrisburg to cut red tape for municipalities
Aug 26, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Aug 26, 2024

Ciresi introduces legislation to modernize PUC ratemaking process
Aug 22, 2024

Burns unveils Welfare-to-Work legislative proposal
Aug 21, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Aug 20, 2024

Solomon proposes legislation to reduce noise, exhaust pollution in neighborhoods
Aug 16, 2024

Takac, Redding highlight $10 million agricultural innovation measure
Aug 15, 2024

McClinton, Policy Committee emphasize need for workplace safety
Aug 14, 2024

Central PA Delegation chairman expresses appreciation for Rep. Michael Sturla’s service and commitment to all Pennsylvanians
Aug 14, 2024

Bipartisan legislators hail new pharmacy law in Schuylkill County
Aug 13, 2024

Improving health care includes expanding abortion access
Aug 13, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Aug 13, 2024

Testifiers detail negative health, economic impacts of gun violence in PA
Aug 12, 2024

Smith-Wade-El: Over $31,000 in state funding to provide fresh fruit and vegetables at Carter & Macrae Elementary
Aug 12, 2024

Lawmakers, family detail $354M in new funding for intellectual disability/autism
Aug 09, 2024

Rabb introduces first of its kind legislation to combat corporate ‘greenwashing’
Aug 01, 2024

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus issues statement on Sunday’s Venezuelan elections
Jul 31, 2024

Kinkead highlights community work at formerly closed hospital
Jul 31, 2024

Abney, PLBC hear Allegheny County Jail officials over voting access
Jul 31, 2024