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Smith-Wade-El’s statement on Shapiro’s Housing Action Plan

LANCASTER, Sept. 13 – State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, today issued this statement on Gov. Josh Shapiro’s executive order creating Pennsylvania’s first Housing Action Plan:

“It is my guiding belief that having a home is a human right and a matter of justice, and so I wholeheartedly support Governor Shapiro’s Housing Action Plan, which puts at the forefront many of the issues I have fought for, first on the Lancaster City Council and now as state representative: the need to expand affordable housing options and provide support to the unhoused in Pennsylvania.

“Housing insecurity has had a wide-ranging, devastating impact on our communities, from unemployment to educational disparities to the gun violence epidemic.

“Though we have made historic investments in education in the past two budgets, all of that work will be undermined if parents and their kids don’t have a home to call their own. All of our work to build a work force will come to nothing if workers can’t afford to live in Pennsylvania.

“Shapiro’s plan will provide a roadmap to increase housing availability, affordability, and quality through a coordinated, multi-agency, data-driven approach to effectively address Pennsylvania's current housing challenges.

“Affordable housing is the keystone to Pennsylvania’s future success.

“I applaud Governor Shapiro for taking this step to provide for the wellbeing of our families, increase social stability and safety, and fuel Pennsylvania’s economic competitiveness by addressing the affordable housing crisis in Pennsylvania.”