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Housing and Rental Assistance



Thank you for reaching out to my office for housing assistance. I am working in Harrisburg to ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable housing. Although my office does not offer direct housing assistance there are a variety of programs available that offer various types of aid.  

My office is here to answer questions and help individuals apply for these resources or 484-685-3494.  

This list is updated frequently so if any of the programs have changed or no longer offer the assistance listed, please let me know so that we can update it. 

Whole Home Repairs Program (WHRP)

What is WHRP?

The WHRP is a countywide program funded by a grant from Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development and administered by Montgomery County’s Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD). The WHRP provides grants to eligible owner-occupied households to address habitability and safety concerns, provide measures to improve energy or water efficiency and make units accessible for individuals with disabilities.

Montgomery County officially launched the Whole Home Repairs Program (WHRP). WHRP focuses on essential enhancements, aiming to provide significant, life-improving changes to residents’ living spaces.

The county program opened on February 22, 2024, for individuals to submit applications. People may visit the WHRP website to learn more. The WHRP aims to provide eligible Homeowners in Montco with grants of up to $50,000 per owner-occupied unit to address habitability and safety concerns. The application period will be open for an initial 50-day period; closing April 12, 2024. To be eligible, applicants must own and live in a home needing repairs in Montgomery County, and the household income must not exceed 80% of the Area Median Income based on household size.

Learn more here: Montgomery County, PA

To apply click here.

Call my office at 484-685-3494 or email for help on completeing an application or questions on the program. 

Are you or someone you know experiencing homelessness?  

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, please contact the?Your Way Home?Call Center by dialing 2-1-1 or texting your zip code to 898-211. 

The Your Way Home (YWH) Call Center is a centralized system for screening and intake for individuals and families in Montgomery County experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness.? 

Instead of calling individual shelters, those experiencing homelessness or those at-risk of becoming homeless can call one toll-free number and get connected to appropriate services. 

Calls to the Center are answered by operators at 2-1-1 SEPA, which has access to up-to-date data about which providers have space available, and other services and information. 

Please feel free to contact my office to let us know that you called them so that we can follow-up with them at or 484-685-3494 

Are you facing the threat of eviction or mortgage foreclosure or other housing legal problems? 

Legal Aid of Southeastern Pa is helping people who face the threat of eviction, mortgage foreclosure, and/or other housing problems.  

Renters in the 54th Legislative District can contact the LASP Helpline at 877-429-5994 Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The sooner you contact LASP, the more prepared your case will be for the hearing date. Please feel free to contact my office to let us know that you applied so that we can follow-up with them at or 484-685-3494 

Housing — Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania ( 


Are you looking for affordable housing options?  

The Montgomery County Housing Authority administers a variety of housing programs in its quest to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for low to moderate income individuals and families, the elderly and disabled.? The Housing Choice Voucher Program, HCVP, formerly known as “Section 8”, allows eligible participants who receive vouchers to search for their own housing, which may include single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments.? Provided the housing selected meets the requirements of the program, the family pays a portion of the rent based on a percentage of their monthly income and the remaining housing subsidy is paid directly to the landlord by MCHA on behalf of the family. 


104 W. Main Street, Suite 1 

Norristown, PA 19401 

(610) 275-5720 

Housing-List-to-be-Posted-5-17-20-Rev-2.pdf ( 


Are you looking to move into the Public Housing Program? 

The MCHA currently supports 5 public housing complexes totaling 526 units located across 4 municipalities:? Borough of Pottstown, Borough of Conshohocken, Royersford Borough and Abington Township.? Four of these properties are high-rise developments built between 1971 and 1984 and occupied by senior and disabled households.? The remaining is a general occupancy, townhome community built in the 1940s and 1950s.? The MCHA manages its portfolio with a typical occupancy rate of over 95%. The MCHA is also a partner in the mixed finance development of two low income housing tax credit properties North Hills Manor and Crest Manor. For more information click here: Program Information (Public Housing) – Montgomery County Housing Authority ( 


Are you experiencing housing?discrimination? 
The Housing Equality Center?helps people experiencing housing discrimination in the 54th Legislative District. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to discriminate in any type of housing-related transaction because of: Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Sex, Disability, or Families with children. 

Are you interested in buying your first home? 
Montgomery County’s First Time Homebuyers Program?may be able to offer you financial help to buy your first home!? 

Eligible participants may receive assistance with down payment and closing costs. Participants will be required to complete a counseling package and meet with the counselor one on one to go over budget, credit, mortgage financing, and home ownership responsibilities. 


Applications can be obtained from the Department of Housing & Community Development (610) 278-3540. The funds are available to all qualified applicants on a first come, first serve basis. The Housing Programs Manager administers the Program through the Department of Housing & Community Development. Any eligible household interested in participating in the program must be income and loan eligible PRIOR to entering into an agreement of sale (or putting a deposit on a property). There is a $25.00 non-refundable fee payable at the time of application. 


Are you a homeowner in need of home repairs and living in Montgomery County?? 
We may be able to help you! Montgomery County has a program that can help you?make repairs?to your home. 

Are you a developer, municipality or non-profit agency seeking funding for a community improvement project, affordable housing development or social service program? 

Visit this?Funding Opportunities?page to learn about the federal, state and county funding assistance available through Montgomery County for community support and housing development opportunities. 



Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Development: Housing & Community Development | Montgomery County, PA - Official Website ( 

Montgomery County Housing Authority: Montgomery County Housing Authority (  


As of April 1, 2023, Emergency Rent and Utilities Coalition Providers have stopped accepting new applications. Please contact for assistance or with any questions. 


Still in need of Financial Assistance?? 

Depending on your situation, you may qualify for help with child care, energy bills, phone bills, cash assistance, and housing assistance. Programs worth exploring include:? 

For Renters facing formal eviction or utility shutoff:  

If you are a renter living in Montgomery County and are having trouble paying your rent or utility bills and are facing eviction or utility shut-off due to COVID-19 or problems caused by the pandemic, you may be eligible for help. 


Do you:  

Live in Montgomery County? You must reside in Montgomery County at the time you apply.  

Have you:  

Been financially hurt by COVID, either directly or indirectly? You must show that COVID-19 has resulted in one or more of the following: 

  • Put you or someone else in your household on unemployment benefits. 

  • Reduced your household income or significantly increased your household costs. 

  • Created another type of financial hardship for your household. 

Can you:  

Demonstrate a risk of homelessness or housing instability? 

As of July 2022, ERUC has provided over $65 million in assistance to 6,161 households. 


Contact us. 

Call 2-1-1 or text your ZIP code to 898-211.  

If you prefer, you can also contact any of our partner organizations:  

ACLAMO (Se Habla Español) 
Or call 610 277-2570 (Pottstown area) or 610 970-2134 (Norristown area). 

Family Services of Montgomery County  
Or call 610 630-2111 ext. 235. 

Manna on Main Street  
Or call 215 855-5454. 

Tri-County Area YWCA (Se Habla Español) 
Visit ? 

Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities  
Or call 484 393-5441.