Governor Shapiro Highlights Commitment to Making Communities Safer, Investments in 9-1-1 Dispatch, Fire, and EMS Services in Visit to Montgomery County 9-1-1 Center

I was happy to welcome Gov. Shapiro to Montgomery County to tour our Emergency Operations Center. As a member of the house VA EP & Finance committee I stand with the Governor and support his request to increase funding for our 911 Centers. We are in an unprecedented crisis in centers across this country. They’re short staffed and uber/lyft have better technology than the angels sitting on the other end of the line.

As a volunteer Firefighter/EMT and resident I rely on our 911 Telecommunicators for my safety. It’s time we invest in our PSAPS to give them the tools they need to keep all of us safe!

We need next gen 911 in Pennsylvania and a small increase in the cell phone tax can provide us the 50 million that goes directly to the centers. This technology will allow an unconscious patitent that called 911 from the 11th floor of a high rise to receive help because the 911 operator will be able to use the location services capability on their cell phone to pinpoint their exact location.