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State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications: March 1 Update

Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Professional Development Training Grant  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May ApplyState aided public libraries and academic libraries. If the library is not fiscally independent, the application must come from the library’s parent entity.
Use: Grants to bring virtual training to your organization or for individual library workers to attend virtual professional development training in principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in practices and work functions performed by library staff and experienced by library customers.
:  Up to $6,000 per organization to bring virtual training to your organization and up to $1,000 for individuals to attend virtual professional development.

Application Deadline
: Applications accepted until funds are depleted. First weekly award announcement is March 15.

More Information
: Contact Stacey Mulligan, or 717-783-5744, Library Development Advisor in the Bureau of Library Development.

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency/Pennsylvania Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs: 2021 SBIRT Projects in Postsecondary Institutions  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply:  Public or nonprofit postsecondary institutions, including two and four-year colleges and universities, that also have an on-campus health center providing physical or behavioral health services.
: To support a new initiative to prevent and address substance misuse on college and university campuses. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is a comprehensive and integrated public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment services for persons with substance use disorder, mental health disorders, and those at elevated risk of developing these disorders.

:  A total of $500,000 in federal State Opioid Response (SOR) funds will be awarded. PCCD expects to fund five or six projects with budgets not to exceed $100,000 over an 18-month project period. There is no cash match requirement.

Application Deadline
: March 23

More Information
: Click on and choose “2021 SBIRT Projects in Postsecondary Institutions.”

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency: Endowment Act – Treatment Training  (Funding Source: State Endowment Act Funds)

Who May Apply: Any for-profit entity, non-profit entity, an entity affiliated with a CAC or MDIT (e.g., public agency or hospital) or unit of local government, including schools, colleges and universities.
: To support the training of medical and mental healthcare providers who treat children and adult victims/survivors of child sexual abuse and to provide topic specific training to therapists previously trained and currently implementing Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) with child sexual abuse victims.

: A total of $200,000 in Endowment Act funding will be awarded. PCCD expects to fund four projects with budgets not to exceed $50,000 over a 12-month project period.

Application Deadline
: March 26

More Information
: Click on and choose “Endowment Act – Treatment Training.”

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Farm to School Grant Program  (Funding Source: General Fund)      

Who May Apply: School districts, charter schools, and private schools with pre-K or K-5 classes.
: To educate pre-kindergartners through fifth graders and their families about the importance of choosing healthy, locally produced foods through nutrition education in the classroom, field trips, and other activities.  Projects must have a completion date of no later than June 30, 2021.

: Up to $15,000 per school. A 25% match is required; may be in-kind contributions. A total of $500,000 is available statewide.

Application Deadline
: March 30

More Information
: Click on Farm to School Grant Program (

Pennsylvania Office of the Budget: Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP)   (Funding Source: General Obligation Debt)      

Who May Apply: Entities that have a project itemized in a Capital Budget Itemization Act from the past 10 years. List of eligible projects can be found here: Itemized Project Eligible for Funding (Excel).
: The acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects that have a regional or multi-jurisdictional impact and generate substantial increases or maintain current levels of employment, tax revenues, or other measures of economic activity. RACP projects are state-funded projects that cannot obtain primary funding under other state programs. 

: Projects must have a $1 million minimum project cost and a 50% match (state funds cannot be used as match).

Application Deadline
: March 31

More Information
: Click on RACP (

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Urban Agricultural Infrastructure Grant Program  (Funding Source: General Fund)       

Who May Apply: An individual, partnership, association, business, or municipal government.
Projects that grow agricultural infrastructure in urban food deserts to improve access to fresh, local food and provide opportunities for hands-on learning, community-building, and for people to become social entrepreneurs.

: Micro-grants up to $2,500 in matching funds for one-time projects or a single entity applicant. Collaboration grants up to $50,000 in matching funds.  A total of $500,000 is available statewide.

Application Deadline
: April 16

More Information
: Click on Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grants (


PHMC Keystone Historic Preservation Planning Grant Program: March 1  (Funding Source: Keystone Recreation, Park, and Conservation Fund)

  • Local governments, historic preservation organizations, historical societies, conservancies, colleges and universities, religious institutions, museums, and other historical organizations. Historic property must be publicly accessible and listed in, or documented as eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places.  Private property owners and businesses are not eligible. - Cultural resource surveys, to prepare nominations to the National Register of Historic Places for resources already determined eligible, archaeology activities, and for preservation plans, feasibility studies, and other predevelopment planning.

PHMC Keystone Historic Preservation Construction Grant Program: March 1  (Funding Source: Keystone Recreation, Park, and Conservation Fund)

  • Local governments, historic preservation organizations, historical societies, conservancies, colleges and universities, religious institutions, museums, and other historical organizations. Historic property must be publicly accessible and listed in, or documented as eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places. - For preservation, rehabilitation, or restoration of historic properties.

DEP Driving PA Forward – Electric Cargo Handling Grant Program: March 5  (Funding Source: State Mitigation Trust-Volkswagen Emissions Settlement)

  • Airports, port authorities, schools, municipalities, municipal authorities, non-profit and for-profit entities. - To replace large forklifts, airport ground equipment, and port cargo handling equipment with electric versions. 

Agriculture Federal Specialty Crop Block Grant Program: March 5  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • State and local organizations, producer associations, academia, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders. - To promote high-priority specialty crops.

Agriculture Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Program: March 5  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • State and local organizations, producer associations, academia, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders. - To promote high-priority specialty crops not covered by the Federal program.

Agriculture - Agricultural Hemp Promotion, Education and Export Promotion Matching Grant Program: March 5  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Nonprofit agricultural product promotion and marketing organizations. - Projects aimed at increasing sales, export or consumer awareness of Pennsylvania hemp products.

Agriculture - Agriculture and Youth Organization Grant Program: March 5  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Agriculture and youth organizations. - Educational programs, workforce development programs, seminars and field trips, agricultural safety training programs, capital projects, equipment purchases, and other projects.

PCCD Capital Case Indigent Defense: March 15  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Counties. - Expenses to enhance defense strategies for indigent individuals in capital cases.

PA Council on the Arts Preserving Diverse Cultures – Strategies for Success: March 15  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Nonprofit organizations whose mission and artistic work are rooted in and reflective of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) art, culture, history and heritage. - Organizational development.

DEP Driving PA Forward - Marine and Rail Freight Movers Grant Program: March 19  (Funding Source: State Mitigation Trust-Volkswagen Emissions Settlement)

  • School districts, municipal authorities, political subdivisions, nonprofit entities, corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships, air quality or transportation organizations, and metropolitan or rural planning organizations. - Projects to repower or replace diesel-powered, pre-Tier 4 freight switcher locomotives, and projects to repower or upgrade unregulated, Tier 1 or Tier 2, diesel-powered marine engines in ferries or tugboats.

DCNR ATV/Snowmobile Grants: March 31  (Funding Source: ATV and Snowmobile Registrations)

  • Municipalities, nonprofits, and for-profit organizations. Planning, land acquisition, development, rehabilitation, maintenance, equipment, and educational programs related to ATV and/or snowmobile trails and facilities.

DEP Agricultural Plan Reimbursement Program: April 1  (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund)

  • Agricultural operators/landowners in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (43 counties). - To hire a technical expert to develop plans for manure management, nutrient management, or erosion and sediment control.

DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2): April 14   (Funding Source: Multiple State and Federal Sources)

  • Counties, municipalities, municipal agencies, nonprofit organizations, state heritage areas, prequalified land trusts, for-profit enterprises. - Planning, acquisition, and development of public parks, pools, indoor recreation facilities, playgrounds, motorized and walking trails, river conservation and access, stream buffers, open space conservation, and regional and statewide partnerships.

DEP County Recycling Coordinator Grant Program (Section 903): April 30  (Funding Source: Recycling Fund)

  • Counties. - To reimburse 50% of the cost of employing a county recycling coordinator in the previous calendar year.

CFA Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Program: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. - Abatement and treatment of AMD.

CFA Baseline Water Quality Data Program: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. - To establish baseline water quality data on private water supplies.

CFA Flood Mitigation Program: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. Flood mitigation projects.

CFA Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. - Projects which involve development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails and river conservation.

CFA Orphan and Abandoned Well Plugging: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. - Orphan or abandoned well plugging projects.

CFA Sewage Facilities Program: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. - Costs associated with the planning work required under Act 537, the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act. 

CFA Watershed Restoration and Protection Program: May 31  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • For-Profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations. - Projects which involve the construction, improvement, expansion, repair, maintenance or rehabilitation of new or existing watershed protection Best Management Practices (BMPs).