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8/6/20 – House Bill 2105 – Harrisburg

(Aug 06, 2020)

Materials from a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing held in the Capitol and co-chaired by State Rep. Liz Hanbidge. Read more


Hanbidge announces $4,500 grant awarded to community library

(Aug 05, 2020)

NORTH WALES, Aug. 5 – State Rep. Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, announced that the North Wales Area Library received a $4,500 grant to help offset the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant came from the Pennsylvania Humanities Council’s emergency relief grant program. Funding may be used to help the library continue to serve the community, retain staff, shift to an online format and make resources available to those who depend on the library for education. “Ensuring the success of our area’s libraries helps countless people in our community who depend on library services; whether they are there for tutoring, internet access or to print resumes, the libraries of our community house much more than books alone,” Hanbidge said. “With the academic year starting soon, many students are going to need the library to complete their coursework. I’m glad to help bring this funding home and help the North Wales library weather this difficult time.” The PHC announced $780,500 in funding to 140 nonprofits across the state . The recipients include museums, historical societies, libraries and other vital cultural institutions, all carefully selected with emphasis on equity and geographic diversity, the PHC said. Funding for this grant program was earmarked from the federal CARES Act. Questions may be directed to Hanbidge’s office by calling (610) 277-3230 or Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee to hold hearing on  H.B. 2105 Thursday in Capitol

(Aug 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 4 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee will hold a public hearing on H.B. 2105 , which would provide insurance coverage of hearing aids. The hearing will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 6 in Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in the Capitol Complex. The media and public are invited to watch the live stream at . The hearing was requested by state Rep. Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, to collect feedback on her legislation. She noted that hearing aids are currently only required to be covered for Medicaid recipients under age 21, leaving many Pennsylvanians in need to pay exorbitant out-of-pocket costs (an average of $2,300 per device) to access hearing assistance. Testifiers and members will participate in person and remotely. Testifiers will include: Neil McDevitt , executive director, Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre. Kay Tyberg , deaf and hard-of-hearing advocate on behalf of Hearing Loss Association of PA and Puget Sound Association of the Deaf. Alexandra Costlow, Au.D., F-AAA , doctor of audiology. Read more


Ciresi, Hanbidge applaud $444K grant for Montgomery County Community College

(Aug 03, 2020)

“The pandemic has negatively impacted our economy and educational and career opportunities for many Pennsylvanians. Grants like these will help MCCC and other statewide institutions continue to educate students in a safe and effective manner,” said Hanbidge, whose 61st Legislative District is home to the college’s Central Campus in Blue Bell. “Keeping these classrooms – even virtual ones – running safely and smoothly means so much to our overall recovery efforts and is a direct investment in our commonwealth's and our constituents' futures.” Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 31): RESTART Montco & PennDOT Updates

(Jul 31, 2020)

Last week, the Montgomery County Planning Commission launched RESTART Montco – a new initiative that focuses on how planning can help our communities adjust and recover from the effects of the shutdowns required during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 24): FPUC Ends Tomorrow, State Assistance Available

(Jul 24, 2020)

We’ve been fighting COVID-19 for four months now, and although we are in the Green Phase of reopening, there is still much work to be done. Millions of Pennsylvanians are still depending on unemployment compensation. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 17): New Statewide COVID-19 Mitigation Measures Now in Place

(Jul 17, 2020)

During the past week, we have seen an unsettling resurgence in new COVID-19 cases across our commonwealth. Thus far, COVID-19 cases peaked in Pennsylvania on April 9 with nearly 2,000 new cases. Read more


Ciresi, Hanbidge introduce bill to assist PA businesses by delaying registration fees

(Jul 15, 2020)

Said Hanbidge: “This small delay in paying registration fees can help our small business owners who are in need. Legislation like this is important to help protect our workforce and keep struggling businesses afloat.” Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 10): Relief for renters, home owners & small businesses is available

(Jul 10, 2020)

Earlier this week, 42 House Democrats signed on to a letter written by Rep. Elizabeth Fielder urging Gov. Wolf to extend Pennsylvania’s eviction and foreclosure moratorium originally set to expire today, July 10. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 3): Happy Fourth of July!

(Jul 03, 2020)

Our nation is going through a crucial period of reflection and change right now, and Pennsylvania is no exception. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 26): Montco Goes GREEN & Progress on Policing Reforms

(Jun 26, 2020)

At midnight last night, Montgomery County officially moved from YELLOW to GREEN in our phased reopening. Read more


Hanbidge legislation seeks to permanently improve remote meetings during emergency declarations

(Jun 22, 2020)

One bill would add public participation requirements when municipal officials meet remotely, and the other bill would suspend time frames for consideration of applications filed with municipal boards and commissions during emergency or disaster declarations. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 19): Happy Juneteenth!

(Jun 18, 2020)

News from the Supreme Court, updates on police reform, and a move toward "green phase" in my latest email. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 12): H.R. 836 & Child Abuse Resources

(Jun 12, 2020)

Also, guides to talking to children about race and racism, plus a salute to our local graduates. Read more


Hanbidge: H.R. 836 could have devastating effects for Pennsylvanians

(Jun 10, 2020)

Broad reopenings, or reopenings that are not structured around ongoing social distancing, universal masking and other public health guidance, would likely result in a spike of cases and new stay-at-home and closure orders. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 5): Stay-at-Home Orders Lifted & Honoring the Death of George Floyd

(Jun 05, 2020)

I, like many of you, have been absolutely consumed by the news unfolding over the last week since the horrible footage of George Floyd’s murder took over our airwaves and newsfeeds. Read more


We must rise to meet this moment. We must not lose sight of the real and necessary pursuit of justice and change.

(Jun 02, 2020)

I, like many of you, have been absolutely consumed by the news unfolding over the last week since the horrible footage of George Floyd’s murder took over our airwaves and newsfeeds. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (May 29): Primary Election Updates & MontCo headed to YELLOW

(May 29, 2020)

Last Friday, Governor Wolf announced that Montgomery County will be moving to the Yellow Phase of reopening next Friday, June 5. Read more


Enough political theater; it’s time to work for the people

(May 29, 2020)

Now, more than ever, is the time to come together and pass legislation that seeks to protect our frontline and essential workers, pay them fairly, assist those struggling without employment, health care or child care, and, above all, keep our citizens safe. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (May 22): Real Estate Back to Business & Protecting our Nursing Homes

(May 22, 2020)

Over the past several weeks, my office staff and I have heard from dozens of real estate agents anxious to get back to work, confident that their job can be done safely, and concerned for potential sellers and buyers stuck in financially precarious situations as they were unable to move forward with transactions. Read more


8/6/20 – House Bill 2105 – Harrisburg
Aug 06, 2020

Hanbidge announces $4,500 grant awarded to community library
Aug 05, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee to hold hearing on  H.B. 2105 Thursday in Capitol
Aug 04, 2020

Ciresi, Hanbidge applaud $444K grant for Montgomery County Community College
Aug 03, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 31): RESTART Montco & PennDOT Updates
Jul 31, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 24): FPUC Ends Tomorrow, State Assistance Available
Jul 24, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 17): New Statewide COVID-19 Mitigation Measures Now in Place
Jul 17, 2020

Ciresi, Hanbidge introduce bill to assist PA businesses by delaying registration fees
Jul 15, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 10): Relief for renters, home owners & small businesses is available
Jul 10, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 3): Happy Fourth of July!
Jul 03, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 26): Montco Goes GREEN & Progress on Policing Reforms
Jun 26, 2020

Hanbidge legislation seeks to permanently improve remote meetings during emergency declarations
Jun 22, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 19): Happy Juneteenth!
Jun 18, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 12): H.R. 836 & Child Abuse Resources
Jun 12, 2020

Hanbidge: H.R. 836 could have devastating effects for Pennsylvanians
Jun 10, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 5): Stay-at-Home Orders Lifted & Honoring the Death of George Floyd
Jun 05, 2020

We must rise to meet this moment. We must not lose sight of the real and necessary pursuit of justice and change.
Jun 02, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (May 29): Primary Election Updates & MontCo headed to YELLOW
May 29, 2020

Enough political theater; it’s time to work for the people
May 29, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (May 22): Real Estate Back to Business & Protecting our Nursing Homes
May 22, 2020