Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti and Representative Tim Briggs announce Act 13 Grants for the Southeast

Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti and Representative Tim Briggs announce Act 13 Grants for the Southeast

UPDATED: January 18, 2024 

An earlier version of this release misstated the intent of the second phase of the MacKenzie Park project in West Conshohocken. Please see the below change, which has the accurate information about how the grant will be used. We apologize for any misunderstanding. 

(Lower Merion, PA) – January 16, 2024 – At a meeting of the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) today, $625,000 was awarded between two projects in Senate District 17, which covers parts of Montgomery and Delaware Counties. Through the Marcellus Legacy Fund that was created by Act 13 of 2012 to provide for the distribution of unconventional gas well impact fees to counties, municipalities and commonwealth agencies, these awards were given to projects that improve greenways, trails, and recreation, and projects to mitigate flooding.

In West Conshohocken, which is represented by Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti (D- Montgomery/ Delaware) and Representative Tim Briggs (D- Montgomery), Phase II of the MacKenzie Park Project was awarded $250,000 through an Act 13 grant. This phase of the project will enhance the quality of the park and assist with renovation costs. 

“Act 13 grants give us the opportunity to invest our resources in the projects that protect, preserve, and enhance our outdoor spaces,” said Representative Briggs. “Phase two of the MacKenzie Park project in West Conshohocken will offer our community more outdoor recreation spaces to utilize with their friends and families, which is something we can all use more of these days. I’m proud to support this investment that will boost our quality of life for the whole region.” 

Also funded in District 17 was a Flood Mitigation project in the Municipality of Norristown. The Municipality of Norristown received $375,000 for phase III of the Sawmill Run Creek Culvert Repair Project.

“These awards tackle two vital environmental needs in the Southeast: flood mitigation and protecting outdoor spaces for the community,” said Senator Cappelletti. “I’m thrilled that these investments will make our region a more welcoming place to work, play, and visit, while protecting our roadways and bridges during extreme weather. As we see the effects of climate change take hold, we need to be investing in our infrastructure so that it will stand strong when we need it most.”