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Young announces $45,000 Alternative Fuels Grant

Funds incentivize environmentally friendly distribution

HARRISBURG, Jan. 22 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, announced that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has awarded $45,000 from the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program to Herr Foods, Inc. located in Southwest Philadelphia.

The grant is intended to be used by Herr Foods for its electric delivery truck conversion initiative for the purchase of six Class 2 EV delivery vehicles.

Young said the grant is an investment for the entire Delaware Valley.

“We all see the iconic Herr’s trucks making deliveries not just in Philadelphia, but all around our region, so we know they put on the miles. Adding six EV vehicles to Herr’s fleet is a win for environmental justice in our southwest Philadelphia communities that have long been plagued with poor air quality from industry,” Young said. “It’s a win-win, as Herr’s should see reduced fuel costs and 185 will see bluer skies.”

The Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program was established under Act 166 of 1992 to help create new markets for alternative fuels in Pennsylvania, increasing energy security and improving air quality.

Administered by DEP, the program invests in the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, fleets, refueling infrastructure, and technologies, as funded projects build markets for advanced, renewable, and alternative energy transportation technologies. The intent is to provide a stimulus for opportunities that better manage Pennsylvania's fuel resources in a way that also improves the environment, supports economic development, and enhances quality of life in Pennsylvania.