Young releases statement on FDR Park meeting
Rep. Regina Young January 27, 2023 | 1:49 PM
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 27 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., said today she is both heartened and dismayed by the events of Thursday night’s meeting to discuss the future of, and improvements being made at, FDR Park.
“The goal of the meeting was to hear from the constituents and inform them of the progress being made in developing the master plan for FDR Park,” Young said. “That’s why it is unfortunate that outside groups felt the need to bus in protestors to disrupt the event, who screamed and yelled profanities unbecoming of civil debate and rude to the community that makes up the 185th Legislative District.
“We understand cultural competency matters and social context matters in all situations. That is why there were over 400 people in attendance and four interpreters for attendees.
“The development of this park and other green spaces is vital to ensuring that Black and brown children in Philadelphia have access to safe and green spaces — a necessity of childhood far too often made unavailable.
“I appreciate the many families who came to lend their voices and opinions to the meeting. Any time their voices are heard, it’s a good thing. In that sense, I think the meeting was a success.
“I promise that we will continue to take into account the opinions of the constituents and will make FDR Park a positive place for families and friends to gather and grow.
“And I also want to apologize to the families and their children who could not participate and enter the venue due to crowd capacity rules. To rectify this, I am in the process of putting together future meetings focused specifically on the concerns of District 185 constituents.”
Elected officials were invited to attend to assist with any questions or misunderstandings attendees may have had regarding the project. They look forward to continued communication from concerned constituents.