Rep. Schweyer lauds investments in education, workforce development in 2020-2021 state budget proposal


HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, released the following statement regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal for the 2020-21 fiscal year:

“Governor Wolf delivered a budget that was both bold and still grounded in real, achievable policy goals and initiatives. He and I were elected in the same year, and this was by far his best address.

“The budget will continue our much-needed investments in public education by increasing funding by approximately $125 million in both basic education and special education funding.  More importantly, he is addressing the incredible cost of charter schools. All in all, the Allentown School District would see a $6.7 million financial benefit in both new dollars and cost savings. This would be a tremendous boost to our district.

“This is in addition to his plans to expand access to pre-K and an ambitious plan to make college accessible to thousands of Pennsylvania students.

“This budget continues our fight to increase our worst-in-the-nation minimum wage, invests in job training programs and protects our LGBTQ citizens from workplace discrimination.

“Lastly, I was heartened to hear Governor Wolf talk so passionately about the scourge of gun violence while proposing meaningful gun safety plans.

“I look forward to diving into the details of the budget proposal during the Appropriations Committee hearings in the coming weeks and helping to craft a final budget that will benefit all our residents,” Schweyer said.

Schweyer said the governor’s plan works well with House Democrats’ Plan For PA. Information on Plan For PA is available at