Stop The Tolls Press Conference

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.

Rep. Anita Kulik attends a press conference to rally support in opposition to a proposal to toll the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit.